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Authors: Serap Torun, Emel Şeker, Osman Bilgin
Keywords: nurse, manager nurse, leadership, behavior, perception
Abstract: Aim: At functioning of nursing services, manager nurse is responsible for carrying out functions such as management, planning, organization, cooperation, executing and controlling. The aim of this study is to evaluate how nurses perceive managers’ leadership behaviors. Material-method: The population of the study is composed from 690 nurses working in a university hospital, the sample of the study is composed of 112 participants who accepted to involve in face to face interviews and answered all the questions posed. By obtaining needed permissions, data are collected with personal information forms and leadership behavior scale between 15th May 2018 and 10th June 2018. Collected data are evaluated in computer environment; mean, number, %, t-test, f-test, Pearson correlation analysis is carried out and level of significance is accepted “p < 0,05”. Results: Average of participants’ age is 30.38 ± 7.77. 86,6% of the participants are women, 58,9% are married and 57,1% have undergraduate academic degree. Also, 37,5% of them are working in surgery clinic. 86,6% work as clinical nurse, 44,6% work in shift schedule, 35,7% have 1 to 5 years working experience and 35,7% have 1 to 5 years working experience with their managers. There is no meaningful difference in leadership behavior perception relating to leaders according to nurses’ marital status, working status, service time, education level. According to nurses’ age group, there has been found meaningful difference in results of one-way-variance-analysis (ANOVA) of success-oriented leadership (F = 3,310, p < .05) and directive leadership (F = 3,736, p < .05). Moreover, compared to men nurses (= 3,08) women nurses (= 3,66) perceive their manager much more directive and perception of directive leadership of nurses who are working at daytime is higher than the nurses working at night shifts. Conclusion: At contemporary sense of leadership, it is expected that supportive and directive leadership should be at the forefront and it can be said that manager nurses working at the hospital where the study took place are usually perceived as success-oriented leaders by the other personnel.