The conference keenly seeks enthusiastic academicians, scholars, and students who would love to contribute to the conference in the following positions:

  • Keynote/Invited/Plenary Speaker
    Eminent and outstanding scientists and researchers are kindly invited to deliver a speech as Keynote/Invited/Plenary Speaker.
  • Conference Program Chair During the Conference Days
    Academicians are kindly invited to act as a Program Chair to manage and coordinate the sessions (invite and introduce the session chairs at the beginning of the sessions, provide the necessary information to the session chairs).
  • Conference General Chair, Publicity Chair
    Academicians are kindly invited to contribute, manage and promote the conference in academic circles.
  • Special Session / Workshop Organizer
    Each special session or workshop should include 5 to 10 oral & e-poster (a short electronic presentation including discussions will last in 5 min. with the oral presentations) presentations.​

Benefits of Being Conference Volunteer

  • Free Conference Registration
  • Certificate of contribution
  • Travel and Accommodation charges are not covered.

Please click here to fill in the application form.