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Authors: Woohyoun Jin, No
Keywords: that-trace effects, prosodic structure, wh-movement, Split CP, Phase theory, Intonational Phrase, subject extraction
Abstract: In this paper, I will investigate the uniformity possibility of a syntactic and a prosodic structure in that-trace effects configuration.
In a number of previous syntactic analyses of that-trace effects, wh-phrases have to move by various causes and the availability of movements determines their grammaticalities. (Chomsky and Lasnik (1977) “That-trace Filter”, Chomsky (1981) “Nominative Island constraint”, Pesetsky (1982) “Doubly Filled complemtizer Filter”, Pesetsky and Torrego (2001)).
A formation of prosodic structure, in prosodic analyses of the construction, is related with wh-movements as well. I assume IPEG (Intonationl Phrase Edge Generation; An (2007)) and a prosodic EPP (namely a phonological EPP) in order to establish the condition of Intonational Phrase and assume Intonational Phrase which is aligned with a complement of phase head according to many authors (Adger 2003; Kahnemuyipour 2009; Selkirk 2011; Sato & Dabashi 2016, and many others). These points will drive a match between Intonational Phrase Extension and Phase Extension (den Dikken 2007),
To syntactically and prosodically analyze this construction, the that-trace configuration will be layed on Rizzi(1997)‘s Split CP construction. Phase theory and Anti-locality constrain can account for a legitimacy and a illegitimacy of wh-phrases extraction.
Based on these assumption, the ungrammaticality of that-trace effect will prove to be relevant to impossibility of wh-phrases extraction from the embedded clause.
I will discover correspondence between the two analyses that the configuration undergoes, with regard to wh-subject extraction and finally will propose that the match is very closely relevant to a processing of utterance.