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Authors: Basytyan Kardinal Pratama, Dwi Larso
Keywords: Fintech, Macro Environment Analysis, Porter Five's Forces Analysis, Property Crowdfunding, SWOT-TOWS Analysis
Abstract: InvesProperti is one of the promising Fintech start-up companies that aims to make property investment accessible to everyone using the crowdfunding mechanism. It is easy to use, affordable, starting from 1 million rupiahs per slot, lucrative return of investment and based on Sharia compliance. The internal condition is analyzed by STP focusing on millennials as the prime market, age 25-40 years old who interested in investment opportunity and BMC analysis which mapping InvesProperti activities process.
After getting understanding of InvesProperti current condition, Root Cause Problems Analysis, TOWS Analysis by combining SWOT Analysis and Macro Environment Analysis is also analyzed to identify, prepare InvesProperti’s strengths which are easy, low risk, high return investment and strong domain expertise by the founders in the industry; overcome the weaknesses; find the opportunities and define new strategies to answer why millennials are not investing their money through InvesProperti. The analysis was conducted to find out what should be done by InvesProperti to develop the business and meet the market fit. And from all those analysis author can describe the further step in developing InvesProperti promotion and branding awareness strategies to millennials.
Therefore, there are several strategies that can be done by InvesProperti to attract millennials, which are educating them about the importance of investment as early as possible especially in the property industry through InvesProperti’s community channel, attending several events such as exhibition and startup competition to get trust and improve brand awareness, developing good product based on the customer’s feedbacks, maintaining and optimizing the channels that InvesProperti has through social media and e-mail marketing to engage the customers about the product.