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Authors: Isaac Amoako
Keywords: satisfaction, quality assurance, pedagogy, predictors
Abstract: Background: In contemporary competitive environment, educational service quality is considered as an important factor that attracts and retains students. Students’ evaluation of the educational services can be regarded as one of the most significant education management tools used for stimulating quality enhancement of the educational environment. The main purpose of the study was to examine different aspect of services that impact students’ satisfaction of educational services. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used for the study. Using a multi-stage sampling procedure, 1500 undergraduate education students were sampled from two public universities in Ghana. Student satisfaction questionnaire was developed to measure satisfaction of students related to quality educational services. The questionnaire had three dimensions on a four-point Likert kind of scale with an overall Cronbach alpha index of .95. Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling, specifically, Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) was used to validate the instrument and to test the study hypotheses. Findings: Results revealed that the data fit the model as shown by relevant fit indices; CFI = .95, CMIN/DF = 1.5, RMSEA = .04 and GFI = .96. Again, the study showed that students were satisfied with the educational services. Further, findings revealed ‘pedagogical approach’, and ‘technical support’ as predictors of students’ satisfaction. The study recommends that the model can be maintained by the selected institutions that were used for the study and also adopted by other universities in Ghana for a sustainable educational quality provision.