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Authors: Dimuthu Maduranga Arachchi, Trevor Mendis
Keywords: perceived corporate social responsibility, purchase Intention, brand trust, generation X & Y, theory of planned behaviour, generation cohort theory
Abstract: Today’s consumers are pay attention with environmentally and socially responsibility product and there are adjust purchase behaviour in way of that. Consumers will reward firms for their support of social programs, many organizations have adopted social causes. Corporate support of social causes, under the umbrella of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. Corporate philanthropy and social initiatives are heart of soul business environment and it is given the impact to the consumer purchases intention and enhance the Perceived CSR concept of the consumer mind and association with Brand Trust. In one-way brand trust build-up, the relationship with perceived CSR and other link association with purchase intention. Theory of planned behaviour is major theory, which is predictive of consumer purchase intention. Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) is influence by the consumer towards to purchases intention. As well, TPB is explained predicting behaviour of consumers and it is, still evolution by researchers. Generation cohort theory is discussed about the Generation. According to that, Theory of planned behaviour underpin by Generation cohort theory of this research and TPB consists of attitudes, subjective norms and beliefs towards to the predictive purchase intention. Main objective of this research is examine the, Impact of perceived corporate social responsibility and purchase intention: a study between generation X & Y. Research philosophies underneath positivism and interpretivism forms pragmatism that adopted approached from the former research philosophies. Moreover, this study is conducted following the quantitative method based on the ontological and epistemological assumptions and the positivistic research philosophy is adopted. Deductive approach is more consider, what researcher would think of as scientific research. This approach is involving the development of a theory that is subjected to a difficult examined. Stratified random sampling method used as the sampling techniques and sample size is four hundred. It is divide as the two hindered relevant with each of the Generation X and Y. As per the current research study, 430 responses were collected from executive level employees, professional, academic and non-executive in Western Province and after the process of data cleaning, 392 responses were taken into analysis. Current research is used seven measurement scale in quaternaries. The primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire and unit of analysis is individual. Which was developed using pre validated scale adopted from literature. The statistical analysis of the quantitative results was conducted with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 20.0 and SMART PLS version 3. Current study revealed that direct determinants of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Purchase Intention as the individual and dependable variable. Furthermore, Brand Trust used as the mediation variable and Generation factor used as the moderation variable. This moderating variable is used in between to Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Purchase Intention and Brand Trust to Purchase Intention. This study attempted to bridge the knowledge gaps after identifying the existing in explaining the Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Purchase Intention. This study was found significant positive impact in between to Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Purchase Intention (Direct method), Brand Trust to Purchase Intention and Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Brand Trust. Moreover, partial mediation impact is shown indirect path and it is statically analysis by Four step of Baron & Kenny, Indirect Effect test and Sobel Test. In addition to that, Generation is given the significant impact on Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Purchase Intention and Brand Trust to Purchase Intention. Current research is examined the impact by each of Generation X and Y. As per current research, Theory of planned behaviour underpin by Generation cohort theory of this research and TPB consists of attitudes, subjective norms and beliefs towards to the predictive purchase intention. Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Purchase Intention, Brand Trust to Purchase Intention and Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility to Brand Trust represent of attitudes, subjective norms and beliefs. These factors are impact on prediction of purchase intention. But, this intention is moderate by Generation Cohort Theory. According to that, Theory of planned behaviour moderated by Generation X and Y. Attitudes, subjective norms and beliefs are moderate each of generation factors. Further, the finding of the study suggests that the managerial implications and social implications. CSR is a strategic for entry to new market and also, from a managerial perspective, the findings of this study would help top and middle level managers to establish new marketing strategic to overcome the market completion and market barrios by using innovative advertising, communication as well. As well, this research is given the details, which kind of areas need to be consider before initiates the CSR activities by firms. In further, this research is given the outcome to the social values. Sri Lanka is developing country and it has the social issues. Correct CSR initiatives are able to minimizing the social issues and enhance the social values and consumer family life. As well, it is given the opportunity for save the environment and creating an ethical county. Finally, integrating more future direction and remedies suggested for the limitation of the study. Further research could be conducted on industry wise analysis of CSR and purchase intention and moderate by the Generation factor and also impact the social media interrelation with CSR, purchase intention and Generation impact. In recent insight is interrelation of CSR and artificial intelligent.