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Authors: Hung Chia Wen
Keywords: parent-child reading, infants, young children, emotional stress behavior
Abstract: Parent-child reading has a positive effect on children's language, cognition, and social sentiment development. Therefore, the concept of parent-child reading was introduced to promote the stable emotional behavior of hospitalized infants and children, develop the parent-child relationships, and improve the quality of care to reduce the appeased cost of nursing hours. In April 2019, the emotional behavioral responses of 20 infants and young children was investigated by using the "Emotional Behavior Response Questionnaire for Infants and Children", and 55% subjects had negative emotional behavior. Investigation on emotional stress index of sick family members by using the "Emotional Stress Index Survey Form for Infants and Children", it was 3.8 points (5 points). And using the code table to measure the average working time of the nursing staff actually to appease the infants and children, the nursing activities was 3 minutes in average. Therefore, we integrated doctors, nursing staff, infection control and social service members to form a parent-child reading promotion group, and we referred comments of family members to design parent-child reading story trains and draft execution methods and precautions. We extended 30 picture books or story books suitable for infants and young children reading on the story train to the ward for family of infants and young children to reading; and we followed information of the principle of infection control to put book cover and disinfect the book after return. We also instructed and assisted the family to conduct the parent-child co-reading. After family members agreed to coordinate with parent-child reading program, we asked the family member to guide the story reading. It enabled sick children to improve emotional stress behavior through sensory stimulation; and older children learnt to think, had initiative to understand hospitalization, and improved nursing coordination. In September 2019, we conducted the survey again; the average daily usage rate was 5 person /day. The negative emotional behavior in 20 infants and young children decreased to 30%, the family emotional stress index reduced to 1.6, the hours of nursing staff were shortened to 1 minute, and the family's satisfaction increased to 4.6 points (5 points). Due to the perfect result of parent-child reading, we set up the parent-child reading standardization process and implemented to the pediatric intensive care unit to promote the nursing care of critical children.