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Authors: Jennifer Escudero, Estefanya Marin, Carlos Rodriguez, Sebastian Mazo, Saul Rivero
Keywords: electric vehicles, economic incentives, non-economic incentives, state policies
Abstract: Colombia adopted the Sustainable Development Goals to incorporate them into its public policies. One of the sustainability strategies has been to stimulate the use of public transport. Although mobility has been improved, the problem of environmental pollution is still not resolved. To mitigate air pollution, the sale of electric vehicles has been stimulated through economic and non-economic incentives. The Law on incentives to electric vehicles was issued this year and only offers incentives to car owners with discounts on compulsory insurance, in the use of preferential parking, among others. Unfortunately, this Law left hybrid vehicles without incentives, nor did it offer support for the implementation of recharging points or for the importation of batteries. Therefore, in this article, the impact of the incentives of the Colombian State for the sale of electric vehicles was analyzed, taking as a case study the city of Medellin. Perception surveys were conducted on car dealers and sales of electric vehicles were also related to state policies. Surveys found that sellers agree that government initiatives have been insufficient to encourage the sale of electric vehicles. On the other hand, according to market statistics, it has been found that between 2016 and 2017 sales decreased by 64%, while between 2017 and 2017 sales grew by 475%. It can be seen that the growth in sales has been fluctuating and although the accumulated in sales continues to grow, it is not due to state incentives but to personal decisions by buyers.