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Authors: Sri Ayu Irawati, Imam Sukadi
Keywords: ASEAN region, basic capital, globalization, local wisdom, state identity
Abstract: The development of high technology which was followed by the development of world markets in the Asian region, directly affected the behavioral characteristics of its people. Globalization is no longer possible at this time. The progress of information and communication technology that is growing rapidly brings the impact of the opening of new space without limits. This situation was also supported by the presence of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. The main objective of the presence of the ASEAN Economic Community was to create a single market for ASEAN countries and as a center of production. So that the ASEAN region will become a destination for immigration from various countries. This will be a serious challenge for countries in the ASEAN region in maintaining the identity of their countries. This paper presents the effort of the state in the ASEAN region in dealing with the entry of various cultures from outside and maintaining the identity of the country against the globalization of communication and information technology. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the potential of local wisdom in ASEAN countries as a basic capital of state identity, as well as potential triggers for the loss of state identity. The type of this research is legal research by using conceptual, statute, and comparative approaches. Contribution of research results internally to strengthen the identity of each country in the ASEAN region. Externally, it can become a bargaining power for the world community in its efforts to establish cooperation with countries in the ASEAN region.