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Authors: Jundiani Muslim, Ernu Widodo
Keywords: legal policy, people welfare, water resource, water resource management, welfare state principe
Abstract: The concept of the Indonesian State based on the Constitution was formulated by the Founding Fathers as a Welfare State. In the concept of the welfare state, the state in addition to being subject to applicable law, also has the duty and responsibility to realize the welfare of its people. Water resources are national potentials that must be managed wisely so that they can be utilized as much as possible for the prosperity of the people, both for the interests of present and future generations. This paper will discuss the legal policies on water resource management intended for the greatest prosperity of the people. This is formulated in the 1945 Constitution in article 33 paragraph 3. Regarding water resource management, the Indonesian Government has just issued a law on water resources, namely number 17 of 2019. The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze norms as a basis for water resource management based on the welfare of the people. It will also provide solutions to problems faced by the government in carrying out its obligations on water resource management. This type of research is a legal research method, by using conceptual, statute, and historical approaches. The result of the research is the need for evaluating several programs by involving people to participate in managing water resources. The contribution is to be an evaluation of materials and recommendations for the government towards the management of water resources in accordance with the principles of the welfare state.