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Authors: Jundiani Muslim, Hersila Astari Pitaloka
Keywords: challenges, Indonesian language, international language, strategies, 1945 Indonesian Constitution
Abstract: The Indonesian language is one of the identities of the Indonesian Nation. As formulated in the Indonesian Constitution, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian language is stipulated as the official language of the state. Besides that Indonesia is also the language of unifying the nation and the language of instruction in all official Indonesian activities. In its development, the Indonesian language was prepared well as an International language. This paper will present the efforts of the Government of Indonesia in preparing the Indonesian language as an international language. The purpose of this study is to explore ideas about the strategies to turn the Indonesian language into an international language. Besides that, it also analyzes and provides academic constructive solutions to the challenges and problems faced by the Government. This type of research is a legal research method by using conceptual, statute, and historical approaches. The results of this study are the Government of Indonesia has prepared a set of regulations related to the determination of the Indonesian language as an international language. Normative arrangements are also prepared to set implementation strategies that must be implemented by all parties and stakeholders concerned. Thus this program will run optimally and comprehensively. The contribution of this research is internal that the program will be imperatively carried out as written in the law. While externally it becomes a part of academic dissemination to socialize government programs.