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Authors: Jundiani Muslim, Ernu Widodo
Keywords: conservation, green open space, legal policy, water resources
Abstract: This paper presents the challenges of providing green open space for water resources conservation. Fundamental issues arise at a time of industrial modernity and the developmental paradigm has become part of the mindset that is considered most appropriate in today’s global life. Consequently, ecosystem and ecological sustainability are under threat when all human needs are part of the material demands. The environmental crisis and the destruction of natural resources as a result of the anthropocentrism paradigm that develops and lives in society will be a time bomb for the sustainability of human life. The purpose of this study is to analyze issues relating to the limited green open space and the conservation of water resources as a result of population growth. In this paper, it conducts the legal research method with conceptual and statute approaches. Furthermore, this paper will discuss some regulations concerning green open space and water resource conservation on spatial planning as the foundation of its legal policy. It will contribute to policymaker to provide of green open space that synergizes with the conservation of water resources through regulations. The result of the discussion concluded that the progressive legal policy on providing green open space is the basis for developing water resources conservation.