Back to Page Authors: Jundiani Muslim, Ernu Widodo

Keywords: customary norms, dialectics-Interaction, local wisdom, state law, water resources

Abstract: Sustainable management of water reources is a fundamental problem in the sustainability of development and the national economy. Industrial modernity and development paradigms have become part of the mindset that is considered most appropriate in today’s global life. Conservation of water resources has faced major challenges, especially against modern lifestyles. This paper will analyze the management of water resources based on the principle of local wisdom. Normatively, this principle has been formulated in Law Number 17 Year 2019 concerning Water Resources. Problems will be analyzed using legal research method with conceptual and statute approaches. The problems to be discussed is how to revitalize local wisdom so that it will be in line with state law in the management of water resources. The study of this paper will rely on harmonization of state law and customary norms, by conducting dialectics-interaction between the two laws. It provides sufficient space for the people to participate in the management of water resources. The results of this study internally will contribute to legal policy makers to draft regulation based on the principle of local wisdom. Externally this paper is expected to contribute thoughts to other countries in the formulation of legal policy based on the interests of the people.