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Authors: Vladimir Pallares-Arboleda, Marta Luz Arango-Uribe
Keywords: tram, mass transport system, sustainable development, impact measurement model
Abstract: In recent years the processes aimed at the implementation of mass transit systems, rail-type railways in different territories worldwide as a measure of sustainability; such is the case of Medellín-Colombia, that with the implementation of the TA line of the integrated transportation system, it seeks to improve environmental aspects and impacts such as the non-emission of polluting substances, low noise levels, lower energy consumption, better quality urban environmental, among others: likewise when used to connect workers, residents and visitors with centers of: work, education, tourism, and entertainment belonging to a territory, which can contribute to its economic development; Likewise, renewing the road infrastructure allows improving mobility in its ecis of influence, implying greater accessibility to the physical environment and transport, as well as the offer of social services and places where citizens develop their employment activities, study, culture, and recreation. This work builds an indicator that allows evaluating the contribution of the implementation of the T-A line to the sustainable development of the territory belonging to the commune 9 Buenos Aires; that facilitates the identification of variables and formulation of a model that allows evaluating this contribution. Finally, the contribution of this work is a methodological proposal that more clearly identifies the benefits of this type of mass transport system, by applying the measurement model the components of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) that allows obtaining valuable information for the different decision-makers of strategic sectors of the city (academy, civil sectors and system operator)