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Authors: Pedro Padilha Gonçalves, Doris Catharine Cornelie Knatz Kowaltowski, Benjamin Cleveland
Keywords: school architecture, design patterns, evidence based design, visual communication
Abstract: Schools buildings are undergoing changes due to trends in education. Teaching and learning are changing and dynamics in education impact the physical learning environment. New school buildings need to rethink school architecture. The new learning processes need support, not only from pedagogies and teaching material, but activities should occur in appropriate and stimulating places. To design such spaces the school design process can no longer be based on past experiences only, but should have solid research support. Evidence based design is called for. This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review that were structured as a set of architectural design patterns to support the programming debates and the synthesis phase of school design. The patterns were translated into a design process appropriate visual language through diagrams. Importance is given to the interpretation of concepts and the clarity of representation of research information through visual communication. An architectural pattern matrix for the design of middle schools is the product of our study. This is organized and presented as a tool to aid the design process. Evidence based design knowledge is produced and communicated to positively support future school design processes. The end product are school buildings able to inspire positive teaching and learning experiences.