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Authors: Thouraya Snoussi
Keywords: blackboard, moodle, education, ICT
Abstract: This study raises the question of the Information and Communication Technology implementation in Education. A particular focus was put on the UAE private universities implementation of the Learning Management Systems (LMS) and their engagement in terms of uses. A number of semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of academicians selected from four (4) private universities in the UAE, in order to identify the experience of using Blackboard and Moodle. a guide of a number of semi-structured interviews was designed to find answers to the following questions: 1. What are the ICT tools available at the universities included in the sample? 2. What are the ICT usage particularities in the educational system in the UAE? 3. What are the main ICT usage limits in the universities included in the sample? 4. What Kind of training/education needed according to the interviewees? The result showed that the sample faces challenges of the transformation of the curriculum and learning process, mainly in some programs related to colleges of humanities and social sciences. To boost the use of technology in these programs, respondents claimed many recommendations, such as implementing platforms that recognize the Arabic language and organizing orientations and training sessions for both faculties and students.