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Authors: Chelsea Williamson
Keywords: accessibility, Apple, technology, special needs classroom
Abstract: When working in a special needs classroom it’s easy to see how many barriers are encountered on a daily basis, both in and out of the learning environment. There is however a host of accessibility features, some built into all Apple devices and some that can be easily downloaded from your local App Store. Unfortunately, without research, a lot of these Apps and features go unnoticed and unused, and when they are used without proper training, they are not used to their fullest capabilities. Apple is always on the cutting edge of special needs and has made the accessibility features of their devices a priority. This is clear when you study the development that has been made in this field. With every iOS update, Accessibility features are almost always having additions and upgrades to all their feature across every field and level of disability. Blind learners no longer have a need for braille with VoiceOver, Deaf learners can easily connect and adjust their hearing aids with Live Listen, learners with mobility disabilities can make use of SwitchControl to control and access their devices - and this is simply the tip of the iceberg. Using this simple features within a classroom not only unlocks a host of previously unavailable possibilities for the learners but it also empowers educators to make their style of teaching one that is more interactive and engaging to learners. “For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible."