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Authors: Warda Shafiq Bhatti, Maham Tahir Qureshi, Hajra Bilal
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption laws, agreements, governments
Abstract: In recent year’s corruption has become a chronic disease worldwide especially in third world countries like Pakistan. It has deeply rooted its claws into the system everywhere. Corruption has plagued all sets of life. It has various shapes and has affected the economy and social life at all levels. Corruption is not only the issue of the third world countries but rich and well-developed countries also suffer from Corruption. To battle this widespread plague several laws have been introduced worldwide in order to control corruption. Pakistan is one of the main countries who have taken drastic steps to eradicate corruption as it has deeply rooted in Pakistan’s economy, political and social life. In Pakistan, a number of institutes have been formed which are working to control corruption in the country at all levels. Recently the Ex-Prime Minister and the Ex-President of Pakistan has been prisoned on the basis of corruption. Many countries have signed agreements to cooperate and coordinate in order to develop a law to control corruption globally. The purpose of this paper is to asses, examine and analyze anti-corruption laws. It aims to discuss the steps taken by different governments to eliminate corruption worldwide. It also illustrates factors behind corruption, its consequences and what measures are being taken by different countries to eliminate it. It further compares the effects on corruption well developed and third world countries. The information is gathered from different data and surveys conducted by law students. Methodology: The methodology adopted to write this paper involves study research and empirical study. Most of the paper is based on study research whereas the conclusions and comparisons are drawn on the bases of the surveys conducted by our law students on the basis of empirical study. The mentioned research methodologies helped to highlight the issues of corruption and how it’s affecting all aspects of life globally. The survey further highlights how different anti-corruption law is from theory being implemented practically and the number of obstacles faced by the anti-corruption departments while implementing such laws.