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Authors: Satoshi Momotake
Keywords: SMEs, Strategic Management, Inbound tourists, Osaka South Sensyu area
Abstract: This report premises corporate social responsibility theory (CSR) that discussed the environment and human rights, the stakeholder etc. Furthermore, this report limits it to M. E. Porter and M. R. Kramer devised Strategic CSR and Creating Shared Value (CSV) in this corporate social responsibility theory. And This report expands SDGs which the United Nations proposed in arguing to Strategic CSR and CSV. This is the premise of this report.
It is the outskirts area of the route which was ever said to be Golden route in Japan where inbound tourists increased rapidly becoming the route which was ever said to be Golden route as Tokyo→Mt. Fuji→Kyoto→Osaka in Japan where inbound tourists increased rapidly the route which was ever said to be Golden route in Japan where inbound tourists increased rapidly in A that becomes a target to be concrete. This area (South Osaka area) is an area called Sensyu area. This area (South Osaka area) is adjacent particularly in this with Kansai Airport. There is ridership of the third-place next to Narita Airport of Tokyo, Haneda Airport while an inbound tourist surpasses 28 million people. However, the inbound tourist did not see the sights just to pass south Sensyu area.
In such inside, the Small and Medium Enterprises of Osaka including the south Sensyu area performs CSV tying economic and societal benefits relative to the cost and company and community value creation which want to perform attracting tourist of inbound tourist too.
I clarified this report based on questioner survey and an interview investigation to the Small and Medium Enterprises based on Goal 8 as “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, Goal 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities” in aims of SDGs about CSV.