Back to Page Authors: Poomoney Govender

Keywords: Formative assessment, Assessment for Learning, open and distance learning, formative feedback

Abstract: Recent developments in the field of higher education have led to a renewed interest in online and open and distance learning which requires educators to reconceptualise fundamental pedagogical issues of teaching, learning and assessment in non-traditional spaces. These include issues such as validity and reliability of assessment in online environments in relation to helping students achieve the learning outcomes, as well as understanding how assessment for learning functions within online and blended learning. While the pedagogical theory of Assessment for Learning (AfL) may be the same in both face to face contexts as well as in open distance learning, the design and implementation of the AfL strategies varies. In an ODeL environment, the transactional distance and face to face interaction between educators and students demands an innovative approach assess learning. This article provides a systematic qualitative review of the research literature on online assessment for learning in higher education. The method applied in this review entailed systematic searching, reviewing, and writing this review of the literature to bring together key themes and findings of research in this field. Qualitative thematic criteria was applied in selecting and reviewing the available literature from which core themes that are central to the application of assessment for learning within blended and online contexts was identified. Various techniques were identified for formative assessment by the individual, peers and the teacher, many of which were linked with online tools such as discussion forums and e-portfolios. The benefits identified include improvement of learner engagement and the development of a learning community. The key findings are that effective online assessment for learning can foster a learner and assessment centred focus through formative feedback and enhanced student engagement with valuable learning experiences. On-going authentic assessment activities and interactive formative feedback were identified as important characteristics that can mitigate threats to validity and reliability within the context of online formative assessment. This paper is aimed at contributing to educators’ practices by assisting educators to better understand the role and purpose of AfL, to explore design principle in integrating AfL strategies in their teaching and learning in order to enhance the quality of student learning.