Back to Page Authors: Caroline Machado da Silva, Hartmut Günther, Ingrid Luiza Neto, Fernanda Machado da Silva

Keywords: urban mobility, florianopolis, theory of social logic of space, sustainability, xxial maps

Abstract: The city of Florianópolis is located on an island in the south of Brazil. Its occupation was been influenced by diverse political and historical facts in the Brazilian colonial period. The study aims to analyze the urban evolution of the city between 1819 and 2018 from the Theory of social logic of space versus urban mobility. The diachronic analysis allows evaluating the evolutionary process of the cities and the diverse interconnections that constitute and qualify the main structuring networks using axial maps. During the analyzed periods, it is observed that there was a small growth of the system in the first two periods analyzed, marked by a compact occupation in a small area. In 1950s, is observed a large increase in the area of the system and in the number of axes and segments, due to the growth of the urban occupation patch and the population increase of the municipality. Particularly in 1957, the city had great growth with an increase in the values of the variables of synergy, intelligibility. This study about the growth of the urban transportation system of the city of Florianópolis, related to the growth of the Federal District. Given that both cities have a dispersed system of road networks, where the districts are separated from each other and by their form of implantation, being horizontal and dispersed. This causes the local population to take long daily commutes to reach the centralities of the cities, which causes an overload in the transport networks of the cities, either by the use of public transport or by the use of individual private transport. The research is applicable to the context of the Federal District and Florianópolis since it has the possibility of identifying the local and global centralities, more accessible routes, better options for spatial syntax based on the Theory of Social Logic of Space. Giving subsidies to that public management can identify which points need the most intervention and how it can relate to the entire transport system in a more sustainable way.