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Authors: Star I. Flores
Keywords: nurses, neonatal care, neonatal, emotions and response, intensive care units
Abstract: Nurses are caregivers and professionals who are expected to assist patients whatever the circumstance. Nurses can struggle when giving assistance to their patients especially when it comes in providing help to neonatal patients. In addition, this paper is in phenomenological research, exploring the quality of neonatal care given to newborn babies. The researcher aims to answer the following questions: (a) What are the problems encountered in the administration of neonatal care? (b) What is the perceived most important neonatal care performed by nurses and mothers? (c) What are the emotions and response when it comes to neonatal care? In gathering the data, the researcher was able to conduct a semi-structured interview and thematization were used to analyze data. The primary respondents of this study are the N.I.C.U. nurses of Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center Hospital (ITRMC) and five (5) selected mothers. The researcher found out that the N.I.C.U. nurses and mothers have differentiation when it comes to the basic routine procedure involve in neonatal care. The factors among N.I.C.U. nurses are lack of parental cooperation. It was a comprehensive and holistic caring approach in the neonatal intensive care unit. This research has also gained insights into the quality of neonatal care among Filipino nurses and mothers and their emotion and response.