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Authors: Asnah Said
Keywords: Instructional Strategy,, Development of Learning Material Models, Built-in and Remote Learning Systems, Research & Development, Education and Teaching
Abstract: This article discusses the design of the functions of instructional strategies to produce learning material models: Steps of Systems Approach Model of Educational Research and Development (Gall, Joyce & Borg, 2007). The development of this learning material model was implemented in 2018 and will be used for Undergraduate Program students studying through the Open Distance Learning (ODL) system at the Open University. Learning materials are developed based on the design of instructional strategies from the results of the study. Instructional strategies are defined as instructional strategies describing the general components of instructional materials and procedures used for materials to enable student mastery of learning outcomes. Before composing the learning material model, it takes 6 steps to be able to design instructional strategies. These steps are carried out systematically and systematically in which there is also a valid learning outcome measurement tool to be used as a blueprint in developing quality and quality learning material models. Therefore, the development of learning material models is carried out in stages starting from the first step and up to the sixth step. The First Step, do Identify Instructional Goal, The Second Step, Conduct Instructional Analysis, The Third Step, Analyze Learners and Contexts, The Fourth Step, do Write Performance Objectives, The Step Five, do Develop Assessment Instrument, The Sixth Step, do Develop Instructional Strategy. The use of appropriate, systematic learning strategies is closely related to student learning outcomes. By using this Approach System model, the learning materials used by students are very targeted and attractive so that they can help students learn more actively.